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Xavier Ryūun Negiar


Negiar, Xavier Ryūun
Родился(-лась) 1956


Xavier started his Shakuhachi journey with Master Sozan Chiaki Kariya first in the mid nineties, in Paris, France; then with Daniel Lifermann, one of the very few French Grand Masters at the time. For many years, Xavier enjoyed playing Shakuhachi flutes made for him by famous Yoshihiro Endo, in 2000, and twenty years later, discovered Yozan's original flutes after he started individual lessons again with Shawn Tairyu Head until today. As the instrument itself plays an important role in the player's self confidence, outstanding makers like Monty Levenson and Gyokusui Kouno also need to be aknowledged.
Xavier decided to retire from his many entrepreneurial and business activities five years ago, to focus on Shakuhachi.
The Great Master Kaoru Kakizakai Sensei also accepted him as a student in 2021, and learning Honkyoku pieces from a master with such a lineage has been a weekly feast ever since. As an active participant and attendee of Shakuhachi festivals in England, the US and Japan, Xavier enjoyed some of the private teachings by world renowned Riley Kōho Lee, Kurahashi Yodo II, David Kansuke Wheeler, Nick Hoko Bellando, Christopher Yohmei Blasdel to name just a few Grand Teachers who also contributed to Xavier's understanding of Japanese classical music and Honkyoku. Xavier even took private lessons with superlative Koto Performer Yuki Yasuda (Tadao Sawai School) in California to deepen his views on musicality.
Following the strict challenges of Shawn Tairyu's School, Xavier successfully received his Shoden, Chuden, Okuden and Jun Shihan certificates.
Today, Xavier loves to get new student of all ages and backgrounds started on their shakuhachi journey.
Believing that Robuki is the gateway to the real path for an enjoyable and continuous Shakuhachi experience, you might find him at sunrise or sunset practicing RO with friends. Please, join in!

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