Kubo Yōdō
久保 葉童
5/27/1920 - ????
Kubo Yōdō (Kubo Wakana) born May 27, 1920 in Tokyo. He studied Kinko-ryū shakuhachi under KatoYūdō. He started teaching in 1955. He was the head of the Wafū-kai and a director of the Kinko-ryū-kai. He was a councilor of the Japan Sankyoku Association. He was a shakuhachi teacher and performer for over 40 years.
別名 久保 若葉 (Kubo Wakana) |
先生 教え子
青木明童 1926 - 石井 浩童 1920 - ???? 金子 子童 1941 - 小山 雍童 1931 - 宮田 皓童 1918 - ???? 内藤 笙童 1916 - ???? 佐々木 游童 1934 - 杉政 今童 1931 -