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Donpan Bushi



History (Takahashi Yujiro):

A lively dance and party song from Akita; title and chorus imitate percussion.

(chorus:) dondon pan pan donpanpan etc.
Talking about bragging rights, I won't lose: this is the heartland of rice, the heartland of sake;
Akita's butterbur is the best in all Japan; and Ono no Komochi came from here.
People are cute when they're drinking, cuter still when they babble drunken nonsense;
strolling along nine abreast, four on the right and four on the left.
When you listen to a song, keep quiet! Some people sing well, some don't.
Go ahead and try singing yourselves - you'll find it's harder than you think!

Donpan Bushi appears on the following albums

Album Artist
Play ButtonMin'yo - Folk Song from Japan - Takahashi Yujiro and friends Shakuhachi : Takahashi Yujiro
A lively dance and party song from Akita; title and chorus imitate percussion.

(chorus:) dondon pan pan donpanpan etc.
Talking about bragging rights, I won't lose: this is the heartland of rice, the heartland of sake;
Akita's butterbur is the best in all Japan; and Ono no Komochi came from here.
People are cute when they're drinking, cuter still when they babble drunken nonsense;
strolling along nine abreast, four on the right and four on the left.
When you listen to a song, keep quiet! Some people sing well, some don't.
Go ahead and try singing yourselves - you'll find it's harder than you think!

Copyright 1999 - Dr David W. Hughes
e-mail dh6@soas.ac.uk

Shakuhachi Min'yo - Furusato no Uta - Vol 4 Shakuhachi : Yashita Isamu

Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 3 Voice : Asano Umewaka
Voice : Asano Kazuko
Shakuhachi : Hatakeyama Kōzō
Shamisen : Hasebe Baichū
Taiko : Asano Teruko
Taiko : Takeuchi Ayako